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How long does it take for marketing to work?

Seeing the achievements of some of our British athletes at the Olympics inspired this blog (and the fact that my last one was so long ago).

Olympians are not made overnight, in the same way as you don't go to the gym a few times and come out fit, achieving goals can take months, sometimes even years. It's common for Olympic athletes to spend four to eight years training in a sport before making an Olympic team. They plan out their training schedules years in advance so that they can work towards and hit specific goals. That is how they achieve success.

Marketing is no different, building a brand, a reputation and a name for your business takes time. There are no quick fixes, and sometimes results can take longer than anticipated.

So how long does it take for content marketing to work? While the actual amount of time will depend on your individual business and circumstances, for a small to medium-sized business, a strong content marketing strategy can take months to start to yield real results.

Your timeline will depend on these factors:

  • Business model

  • Industry and market

  • Goals and strategies

  • How you define success

Content marketing takes time to work. It’s a long-term strategy. If you expect immediate results, you will probably not find them this way. But if you want to build your business on a firm foundation and grow confidently into the future, content marketing is one of your best options.

When you work with us there is no 'one size fits all', we create a strategy that is bespoke to your business. We start from the beginning, establish all of your bases, and then build on them. We are experts in strategy and business development, social media management, blogs and content marketing, so why not give us a call, 07825 852746 or email

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County Durham


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